Hello! Thanks for checking out my Stepmania simfiles! All are geared toward technical/FA pad play.
A collection of 15 modern simfiles released in July 2023. Builds on my goal of arrow-stomping fun for all and showcases an even broader variety of brilliant music!
Full Novice-Expert Single charts (1-14 range)
global namespace 3 ~kernel mode~
A 10-song collection of brand-new simfiles released in August 2023. Features a set of energetic and aggressive tracks paired with over-the-top stepcharts that challenge players to push their limits!
Full Novice-Expert Single charts (1-14 range)
A nostalgic tribute to my life of rhythm gaming and beyond! This 10-song collection of all-new simfiles released in January 2024 explores my last two decades of music and gaming through awesome songs that are near and dear to my heart.
Full Novice-Expert Single charts (1-13 range)
A collection of 22 modern simfiles released in January 2021. Features a wide variety of music I love paired with fun charts at all skill levels!
Updated in June 2023 with minor tech notation revisions and re-rates.
Full Novice-Expert Single charts (1-13 range)
global namespace ~selection~
A 14-song best-of collection of my older simfiles, primarily from the 2010-2012 timeframe, that hold up reasonably well in modern times.
All have been converted to ssc format and have had tech notations added. Some have had re-rates, minor chart revisions, and sync fixes applied since their original release.
Expert Single charts only (9-13 range)
A set of miscellaneous simfiles I've created since 2020, primarily for simfile contests, that didn't make the cut for my mainline pack series.
I label my modern charts with the following tech notations (mostly consistent with ITL and other modern tech simfiles):
br brackets
bt bracket-taps
bu bursts
dr drills
ds double steps
dt double taps
fl flams
fs footswitches
ja jacks
ju jump tech
rh rhythms
ro roll tech
sc scoobies
ss sideswitches
xo crossovers
xmod no-cmod